Ferry service between Guyana, Suriname to resume in two weeks

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The Canawaima ferry

MARINE travel between Guyana and Suriname is slated to recommence officially in two weeks, following an agreement between the two countries that there will be a coordinated approach to ensure there is safe travel.

Both countries had closed their borders in March as part of efforts to mitigate the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
President Irfaan Ali and the President of Suriname, Chandrikapersad Santokhi, however, both agreed that the ferry service between Guyana and Suriname will recommence.
This decision was made when President Ali and other high-level officials from Guyana visited Suriname on November 23, for a three-day trip, to join in that country’s Independence Day celebrations and discussed matters of mutual importance.

Reflective of the decision made by the two Presidents is the updated COVID-19 emergency measures, which states categorically that: “The Moleson Creek crossing shall be opened from the 12th December, 2020, to facilitate travel between Guyana and Suriname.”
It is expected that there will be strict measures in place to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in both countries, since global statistics show that Suriname has recorded over 5,300 cases, while Guyana has registered over 5,700.

The COVID-19 emergency measures stipulate that all operators and passengers shall comply with any port health measures issued by the Ministry of Health.
While authorities are working to implement the necessary safeguards, there are still issues related to the actual ferry service, but authorities are moving to resolve them expeditiously.

President Santokhi was reported as saying that the public and private sectors in both Guyana and Suriname will be called upon to provide a temporary solution to ensure that the ferry service between the two countries resumes shortly.

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