Pork-knocker killed while trying to protect wife from robbers

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Murdered: Kevin Allam

A pork-knocker, 26, was brutally murdered on Friday while trying to protect his wife from being hurt by three men presumed to be robbers.
Kevin Allam, of Turn Basin Port Kaituma, North West District (NWD), Region One had his throat slit around 17:30hrs at White Water Backdam.
Investigators said that Allam’s wife was attacked by the men in their shop at the location.
They grabbed onto her hair and Allam who was close by intervened to protect her.
However, he was overpowered by the men who pounced on him and began beating him with a piece of wood. The blows caused him to fall to the ground.
Severely injured, the men, detectives reported, dragged him outside and one of them used a knife to slit his throat while another held him down.
The men then re-entered the shop and removed a quantity of raw gold before turning their attention back to woman.
According to a police report, the woman pleaded for life and they left her alone and escaped.
Ranks were summoned to the scene where they removed Allam’s body and took it to the Port Kaituma District Hospital where it was further examined before being sent to the morgue.
At around 09:00hrs yesterday ranks received information that the suspects were at Water Front, Port Kaituma.
They reportedly headed to the area immediately and arrested three men who are currently being grilled by investigators.

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