Berbice’s highest ranking female cop retires

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Superintendent of Police, Yonette Stephen

– after 35 years of dedicated service to the nation

By Jeune Bailey Van Keric
FROM a security guard to Superintendent of Police, Yonette Stephen has dedicated most of her life to the Guyana Police Force, an organisation, which motto is “Serve and Protect” she upheld, for 35 years.

She leaves behind quite a resume. Stephen served as detective, station sergeant, a Commandant (at the Felix Austin Training School at Adventure, Corentyne), Officer-in-Charge of Sub-Division One, and Commander. As Commander of Region Five, her territory encompassed some of the toughest districts in the West Berbice/Mahaica area.
The journey through the years, like any other, was not without many bumps, twists and turns, but, the former commander believes that her successful career was due to her commitment to her profession.

Stephen seated third from left at the Felix Austin Police College, Adventure, Corentyne, where she served as Administrative Sergeant and Commandant

“Looking back, I have no regrets. I must move on to make room for the subordinates,” she said.
“I was always inclined to join the Force, having been a member of its youth club and attending the sporting activities… that motivated me… the yearly athletic activities with the Police Youth Club… it motivated me to join the Guyana Police Force,” Stephen told the Guyana Chronicle.

A born and bred New Amsterdamer, “Mum Stephens” as she is fondly called by police ranks, recalled that at around the age of 16 years, she joined the now disbanded Guyana National Service, where she had participated in the Pioneer Corps Course One of 1984 and was one of the females who participated in the great walk from Papaya Centre in the Barima- Waini region, to Georgetown.

“I would have gained a lot of strength as a woman during that walk…. it was that strength which propelled me through so many years as a police officer,” she related.
Her strength and determination allowed her to accomplish things, few, if any, had accomplished before. Stephen would work her way up through every rank from Constable and culminated as Berbice’s lone female Superintendent, a position she had worked hard to achieve.

During her tenure, she underwent training domestically and internationally, having attended the International Law Enforcement Academy in El Salvador, where she pursued studies in Human Rights. Other areas of study which influenced her effectiveness as a police woman were domestic violence, child abuse, multiculturalism and diverse communities.
“As I bow out, I would like to see policewomen be very much committed because at some point in time it will get tough; and they must be committed to ensure they survive. It’s important also that we have our family at our side. Establish good family relationship. Those are the persons who will make you feel lighter as they will ease some of the burdens you have. I have no regrets of having served the Guyana Police Force. I love how the organisation shaped me and I would like to encourage serving members, don’t chuck in easily but instead be committed. Be committed,” she said.

Meanwhile, Divisional Commander, Jairam Ramlakhan, described the outgoing policewoman, as a great advocate for women and children, a talented lecturer and administrator at the Felix Austin Police College at Adventure, Corentyne, where she nurtured scores of recruits.
“She was sharp drill instructor in her early days. I found her to be an enforcer of discipline… someone the public has regards for. We did the Junior Officers Course many years ago during which she made several excellent presentations which were noted by senior officers,” Commander Jairam noted.
Stephen, a mother of four, including two who are members of the force, proceeded on pre-retirement leave on Monday. She plans to spend her retirement with her family, notably her mother, siblings, nieces and nephews, children and grandchildren. She will formally leave the Force on March 1, 2021.

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