Baganara, Hurakabra resorts cleared for reopening

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The Baganara Island and the Hurakabra River resorts have put in place proper protective and preventative measures against COVID-19 and
have been given approval to reopen operations by the Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA) (Hurakabra River Resort photo)
The Baganara Island and the Hurakabra River resorts have put in place proper protective and preventative measures against COVID-19 and have been given approval to reopen operations by the Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA) (Hurakabra River Resort photo)

By Rehana Ahamad

GTA Director, Carla James

EVEN though tourism locations and entities are allowed to operate around-the-clock, they are required to complete a two-step procedure before being granted official approval to do so.

Director of the Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA), Carla James said that the process seeks to ensure that all interior lodges, resorts, tour operators and tourism accommodation facilities activate proper protective and preventative measures against the deadly COVID-19.

James noted that so far, 10 businesses have applied to operate under the COVID regulations. Of that figure, two have already been approved, with four pending inspections. The approved entities are Baganara Island Resort and the Hurakabra River Resort.

The GTA Director explained that the first step requires businesses to submit their Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), which must clearly outline specific hygienic and sanitisation protocols. The document will then undergo a desk assessment, which will take approximately two days to be completed.

“We will review that, and provide feedback if we find any deficiencies, or see any aspect that can be addressed a little better,” James noted.

In cases where businesses are unable to compile their SOPs, the GTA plans to provide the necessary technical support. The agency has also developed a template of SOPs, which have been made available for businesses to implement.

Nonetheless, once the submitted SOPs are approved by the GTA, businesses would then be ready for the next and final step; an on-site inspection.

“Anybody can write a nice plan, but we need to see what is happening on the ground. We need to make sure that the signages are up, and that the staff is trained, etc,” James said.


The Baganara Island Resort located in Region Seven has been officially approved to operate under COVID-19 guidelines

James noted that her inspection team would conduct their visit in a manner which would test the ability of businesses to operate effectively and safely under adequate COVID-19 measures.

“For instance, if we ask a staff how they serve dinner, they must be able to explain seating arrangements to ensure that persons are seated a few feet apart, and that meals are plated and served, and that servers and guests are sanitised and so on,” James explained.

To further assist businesses, the GTA has developed a recommended health sanitisation protocol for the tourism industry, which continues to be disseminated to various tourism businesses.

In relation to the two approved resorts, the GTA official noted, “Their SOPs have been assessed and found to be in compliance; on-site inspections have also been conducted and have been verified. Those tourism businesses have now received conditional approval, and are considered safe for travel.”

The Hurukabra River Resort located on the West Bank of the Essequibo River has been green-lighted as a ‘safe for travel destination’

Approved businesses will also benefit from free publicity and marketing from the GTA.

“We recognised that the tourism sector has been hard-hit by COVID-19. For months, such businesses have not had any cash flow; they have had no revenue, so we will be pushing those businesses to drive the demand,” James noted.

This means that approved businesses will be promoted via all GTA-managed platforms, especially via their website and social media.

James noted that the GTA will not be harsh with tourism businesses, and that help will be offered to all entities that need to get their affairs in order. However, those that refuse to operate within the COVID-19 guidelines will face consequences.

“If they refuse to do that, then we will have to put out a disclaimer notice that anybody who is booking with these companies are basically putting themselves at risk, because they have not been approved by the authorities,” she said.

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